Become our partner

Find the potential of our full packages and open to a new world.

Our partners get special, personalized prices for the products.

Become a member of a world-wide family!

Make money. Make difference.

With our products you will not just make money but you can help other people to live a more healthier life. 

"I use Mandelay Q9 for years and it gave me the freedom I always want"

Be the part of the future 

Biofeedback is a mind-body technique that involves using visual or auditory feeback to gain control over the functions of the body. This process involves being connected toa  device with sensors that provide feedback about specific aspects of your body. The goal of biofeedback is to make subtle changes to the body that result in a desired effect. This include relaxing muscleds, slowing heart rate, slowing respiration, or reducing feelings of pain. People can improve their physical, emotional and mental health with biofeedback.

4 reason to become our distributor 

You'll be part of an international network

You'll be part of an international network

You can get a huge descount from every products's price 

You can get a huge descount from every products's price 

You'll help for people with the products you sell

You'll help for people with the products you sell 

 You can get any help from us to sell your products

 You can get any help from us to sell your products 

Fantastic conferences around the globe 

Every year we held the Quantum Biofeedback World Conference in 2 locations! Once in Budapest and once in Las Vegas. Here you can meet with other distributors and people who are interested in the biofeedback. In the Conferences we're invite speakers from all over the world who're eager to share their experiences and views with you.