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Grief can hurt you in different ways

30/07/2021 08:00

Grieving is an emotional experience fraught with intense sadness, profound loss, and psychological pain. But grief has much more than that. It has a physical side that sets up for a number of health risks. It is important to understand how the process puts your health in jeopardy whether you're grieving the loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or a beloved pet.

Grief can hurt you in different ways

Grief and Stress

Grieving brings the body in the form of stress. It affects the whole body, all the organ systems especially the immune systems. Studies show that immune cell function falls down in people who are grieving. People often get sick more and use more health care resources during this period.

But why stress affects us so hard? It's because the body unleashes a flood of stress hormones that can worsen any existing conditions or lead to new ones. Stress can cause insomnia or changes in appetite. After the loss of a loved one, extreme stress is associated with changes in heart muscle cells or coronary blood vessels that prevent the left ventricle from contracting effectively. This condition called broken-heart syndrome. The symptoms are very similar to heart attack: chest pain and shortness of breath.

Grief and depression

When you're grieving intense feelings of sadness are normal but some people become depressed. In the first few months after a spouse's death most of the widows and widowers have depression symptoms. These symptoms include extreme hopelessness, insomnia, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts, persistent feelings of worthlessness and marked mental and physical sluggishness.

Put the pieces together

Maybe it seems to be impossible to maintaining good health when it's difficult to simply get through each day but it's okay to just go through the motions at first. It can be very hard but you have to do it. if you don't want to walk just go out and force yourself to walk five minutes every day, if you don't feel like eating, go ahead and eat three healthy meals per day anyway. Don't forget about social connections, which are crucial to good health. Stay in touch with friends and loved ones. Try to get out of your house and spend time with others, even if it's to talk about your grief.

Remember this shortcut

If the symptoms worsen is a good option to see your doctor and get back to a healthy routine as soon as possible. In this case, you can just follow your doctor's directions, putting one foot in front of the other until you develop your own routine. In time the sun will come out again. You will feel a little stronger each day. Give yourself that advantage your loved ones would want that for you.